November is National Healthy Skin Month

In honor of National Healthy Skin Month, LiVDerm would like to share with you some ways you can help educate your patients on the importance of maintaining healthy skin as well as how to go about it.

As the body’s largest organ, the skin not only plays a vital role in protection, but it is also important for preventing the loss of moisture, regulating temperature, and much more. And as the colder winter months approach, keeping the skin hydrated is key. As skin experts, you are in the prime position to offer your patients of all ages and skin types the best advice when it comes to proper skincare and health. Here are six simple yet effective ways you can do this.

1.Provide educational content

Whether it be in the form of printed brochures, emails, your monthly newsletter, or on your website, take the opportunity to provide your patients with some important information regarding skin health.

Many people are still unaware of the dangers of tanning beds or not wearing appropriate sunscreen, for example. Using this opportunity to point out the dangers and offer solutions to these is a great way to promote skin health.

Additionally, helping your patients recognize the link between things like stress, anxiety and mental health and their skin is an important factor. This is something that tends to be taken for granted yet can play a direct role in the overall health of their skin.

As more and more research points out, mental health issues are a common factor among people suffering from skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and more. An appreciation of this correlation can create a much-needed awareness and offer some progress moving forward.

2. Answer frequently asked questions

healthy skin

As the body’s largest organ, the skin not only plays a vital role in protection, but it is also important for preventing the loss of moisture, regulating temperature, and much more. And as the colder winter months approach, keeping the skin hydrated is key. As skin experts, you are in the prime position to offer your patients of all ages and skin types the best advice when it comes to proper skincare and health. Here are six simple yet effective ways you can do this.

3. Use social media

As we all know, social media is a great tool in helping spread the word about pretty much everything. Take advantage of this and put out some useful and educational content about skin health. Don’t forget your hashtags; use #YourHealthiestSkin and #LiVDerm to boost your reach and engage more people.

4. Get your staff involved

When everyone gets involved, not only is it more fun, but ideas have a tendency to grow and flow. As your staff are typically the first point of contact with many of your patients, getting them involved is a great start. Brainstorm some ideas for your practice for the month of November and have them spread the word. Tag them in your social posts and have them rope in their friends and family for even more support.

5. Host giveaways and contests

When everyone gets involved, not only is it more fun, but ideas have a tendency to grow and flow. As your staff are typically the first point of contact with many of your patients, getting them involved is a great start. Brainstorm some ideas for your practice for the month of November and have them spread the word. Tag them in your social posts and have them rope in their friends and family for even more support.

6. Offer discounted screenings

healthy skin

When educating on skin health, one of the most important tips provided by dermatologists is to get regular checkups. Why not use the month of November to offer skin health checkups at a discounted price (or offer them as one of the prizes to your contest)?

However you choose to recognize National Healthy Skin Month, make it an enjoyable experience for you, your staff, and your patients. Feel free to share some of our own previous articles relating to skin health.


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