Optimizing Psoriasis Treatment: Enhancing the Quality of Life Through a Patient-Centered ApproachÂ

Psoriasis, a complex, chronic autoimmune disease, affects approximately 125 million people worldwide. But it’s far more than just a skin condition. The associated comorbidities and emotional toll can significantly impact every aspect of a person’s life. In addition to the visible plaques that can be unsightly and cause physical discomfort, people with psoriasis may also […]
Can Diet Help in Psoriasis?

The Medical Board of the National Psoriasis Foundation has recently published a systematic literature review in JAMA Dermatology, with findings that indicate the efficacy and benefits of dietary weight loss—coupled with a hypocaloric diet—for overweight and obese patients with psoriasis. The recommendations further suggest that overweight or obese patients with psoriatic arthritis may benefit from […]