Epidermolysis Bullosa: The Importance of an Efficient Diagnosis

What is EB? Dermatologists know that Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB), is a family of rare genetic disorders characterized by blistering and fragility of the skin and mucous membranes that can affect the mouth, esophagus, lungs, nails, and other areas of the body. This serious condition requires efficient diagnosis but sadly, there is currently no known cure. […]

Dr. Pariser Named to Vial’s Scientific Advisory Board

Last week, LiVDerm faculty member Dr. Pariser was named by Vial as a member of their Scientific Advisory Board. Launched in January 2022, the Vial Dermatology Contract Research Organization is designed to deliver faster execution and higher quality results in dermatology clinical trials. As former president of the American Academy of Dermatology and senior physician […]

Has Diversity Improved in Dermatology Clinical Trials?

In the past decade, awareness has been raised around improving the equal representation of sex, race, and ethnicity in dermatology research. A recent report published in JAMA Dermatology examined if this awareness has resulted in more inclusion in dermatology trials. The authors performed a systematic literature review to determine if the diversity in trials from […]

Skin Infections and COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged health care, and particularly the dermatologic industry, in many ways. Although increased attention to personal hygiene during the COVID-19 pandemic may have had some positive effects on reducing the spread of skin infections, data points to an association between COVID-19 infection and cutaneous manifestations. Viral infections such as COVID-19 frequently […]

Sexual and Gender Diverse Patients: An Important Message for Dermatologists

Most dermatologists have not historically considered their patients’ sexual orientation and gender identity as relevant to their practice, but new data contributes to awareness in skin health disparities in patients from sexual and gender diverse (SGD) communities. Dermatologists who strive to understand their patients can better see them as a whole person, engage in a […]

November is Hyperhidrosis Awareness Month

Although relatively common, hyperhidrosis is often misunderstood or dismissed as an unimportant condition. In fact, hyperhidrosis causes excessive sweat that is up to five times more than the average physiological response to exertion, temperature or stress. The below testimonial from a real patient with hyperhidrosis illustrates the significant negative impacts of this disorder that merit […]

Preventing Fall and Winter Skin Sensitivity

Colder temperatures, dry air, and decreased humidity that accompany the fall and winter seasons can have a detrimental effect on skin health, especially among those with more sensitive skin types. These patients are particularly prone to adverse symptoms and cutaneous manifestations related to seasonal shifts, including irritation, dryness, flaking, and even bleeding presenting all over […]

Fall and Winter Sensitive Skin Irritants

Colder weather during the fall and winter can bring the onset of irritated, dry, and sensitized skin. Types of dermatitis, such as pruritus hiemalis, are seasonal and can be spurred by cold, dry air as well as irritated by other external factors. However, such cutaneous changes can be prevented and treated with appropriate dermatologic care […]

High Plasma Concentrations in Commercial Sunscreen Products

Routine use of sunscreen is widely promoted as a beneficial skin health practice for the prevention of sun damage, reduction of skin cancer risk, and minimization of premature aging symptoms. Although commercially available over-the-counter sunscreen products are widely used by the population, little is known about the systemic exposure associated with some of their active […]

Safe Skincare for Expecting Moms

Many women experience acne breakouts during their first trimester of pregnancy due to changing estrogen levels, even if they have no prior history of the skin disorder. Hormonal fluctuations often contribute to cutaneous changes, causing a host of symptoms from dry skin and irritation to melasma and inflammation. They may experience changes in existing moles, […]