Barbara L. McAneny, MD, a board-certified medical oncologist/hematologist from Albuquerque, New Mexico, was elected president-elect of the American Medical Association in June 2017. Dr. McAneny has served on the AMA Board of Trustees since 2010, including as its chair from 2015–2016. An impressive leader, Dr. McAneny is a fellow and member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Board of Directors, where she has served on several committees, in addition to Masters of the American College of Physicians and President of the New Mexico Medical Society (NMMS) and founder & chair for the board of the National Cancer Care Alliance. In 2012, Dr. McAneny received a $19.8 million award from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation to test how oncology private practices could provide cancer patients better care at lower costs. This award, called COME HOME (Community Oncology Medical Home), later helped form Medicare’s Oncology Care Model. Innovative Oncology Business Solutions Inc., the company Dr. McAneny created to manage the award, now assists physician practices in developing the process changes needed for MACRA.